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Pittsburgh Art Book Fair (PABF) and Carnegie Museum of Art invite you to join a community of makers, readers, and appreciators of artist books. The annual PABF is a free annual event dedicated to printed matter featuring local, national, and international exhibitors. Meet artists, publishers, and other art book enthusiasts while browsing participating vendors and shopping an incredible range of artist books, zines, and publications.

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PABF is co-directed by Caroline Kern, Chas Wagner, Emma Honcharski, Mary Tremonte, Jacquelyn Johnson.

28th-29th, 2024

Co-presented by Carnegie Museum of Art



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roaming 01 by David Bernabo
PGH City Paper


Arron Foster

As an artist I am concerned with how the physical landscape is transformed into a cognitive one and how personal and public spaces intersect in the stories we tell about them. The consequence of this for me as an artist has been that most of the work I do whether its printmaking, book arts, Zines, video, or installation begins with a place, a site or location that becomes a jumping off point for my imagination
Each project or series that I undertake is arrived at through an intuitive, research-based approach to observing, studying, and documenting specific locations with the hope of creating a dialogue between myself and the viewer that provides an opportunity for shared exploration and interpretation of places. I believe that by developing a shared understanding of the physical world, we can encourage empathy for the spaces we occupy and perhaps encourage a greater sense of stewardship and care
Arron Foster
Kent, OH