
Pittsburgh Art Book Fair (PABF) and Carnegie Museum of Art invite you to join a community of makers, readers, and appreciators of artist books. The annual PABF is a free annual event dedicated to printed matter featuring local, national, and international exhibitors. Meet artists, publishers, and other art book enthusiasts while browsing participating vendors and shopping an incredible range of artist books, zines, and publications.

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PABF is co-directed by Emma Honcharski, Mary Tremonte, and Jacquelyn Johnson.

20th-21st, 2025

Co-presented by Carnegie Museum of Art

︎︎︎ Profiles ︎︎︎



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roaming 01 by David Bernabo
PGH City Paper



The Pittsburgh Art Book Fair is co-presented by Carnegie Museum of Art. Please review their Access and Accommodations.

“What is the cost for a table?”
4ft table (half table) - $100
8ft table (full table) - $200

“Who can participate and what range of printed matter will be presented and sold?”

Artists, Publishers, Collectives, Distributors, Institutions, Galleries, Magazines, Photo Books, Zines, and Rare/Out of Print/Collectibles.

“Are there subsidized table fees?”

We want this fair to be accessible to everyone and understand that the table fee might be a barrier for some. We will be subsidizing several exhibitor's fees. Please let us know, on the application, if you feel like you might need financial help to participate. We will give assistance based on the responses we receive.

“Can exhibitors share tables, and if so, do all exhibiting parties need to apply?”

When you apply to PABF, the application asks if you have any requests for a tabling neighbor and whether you have any accessibility needs that are relevant to your table’s location. All exhibitors are expected to apply separately and state their table preference: 8ft (full table), 4ft (half table).

︎︎︎However, if you would like to share a 4ft space (1/2 a table) with another exhibitor, we request that you apply as a pair. Please note that only up to 4 chairs can be placed at an 8ft table; up to 2 chairs per 4ft section. If you choose to apply for a 4ft space with another exhibitor, there will not be seating for more than two people behind your half of the table.

“Can I exhibit at PABF if I only have 1 title?”

PABF welcomes publishers in all stages and experience in publishing to apply.

“Will PABF feature youth artists?”

PABF is enthusiastic about featuring youth artists, and we welcome participation from high school presses, publishing clubs, youth-led organizations, and young artists independently publishing their own work.

“Is housing available?”

At this time, PABF is not able to offer housing at a discounted rate, but we hope to update this information soon.

If you are ready to arrange lodging and have questions about location and transportation, please email us:

Carnegie Museum of Art
in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

September 28th-29th, 2024

Sept. 28: 10:00am-5:00pm
Sept. 29: 10:00am-5:00pm