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Pittsburgh Art Book Fair (PABF) and Carnegie Museum of Art invite you to join a community of makers, readers, and appreciators of artist books. The annual PABF is a free annual event dedicated to printed matter featuring local, national, and international exhibitors. Meet artists, publishers, and other art book enthusiasts while browsing participating vendors and shopping an incredible range of artist books, zines, and publications.

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PABF is co-directed by Caroline Kern, Chas Wagner, Emma Honcharski, Mary Tremonte, Jacquelyn Johnson.

28th-29th, 2024

Co-presented by Carnegie Museum of Art



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roaming 01 by David Bernabo
PGH City Paper


Bekezela Mguni

Bekezela Mguni is a queer Trinidadian artist, poet, doula, librarian, and activist. She has over 15 years of community organizing experience in the Reproductive Justice movement, in which she has worked with LGBTQ communities, youth, women, and people of color. She collaborates with various artists, educators, healers, and activists who seek to create new worlds and new ways of being in this world. Bekezela is the founder of the Black Unicorn Library and Archive Project. She is honored to serve as the Artistic Director at Dreams of Hope, which affirms the voices and leadership of LGBTQ youth through the arts.
Bekezela Mguni
Pittsburgh, PA