Sissy Boy Press
The Pittsburgh Art Book Fair is the “coming out” for Sissy Boy Press. This inaugural debut includes books and zines that cover Queer and Feminist theory in a poster book, a risograph guide to faggotry and a glimpse into culturally significant sex practices, and a fine arts book about the fluidity of thought, language, and gender/sexuality. These books are also amongst a series of silkscreen and letterpress printed posters that range from activist propaganda, the lost art of flagging, and to the celebration of twisted tea as a newly anointed gays and theys beverage.
The Pittsburgh Art Book Fair is the “coming out” for Sissy Boy Press. This inaugural debut includes books and zines that cover Queer and Feminist theory in a poster book, a risograph guide to faggotry and a glimpse into culturally significant sex practices, and a fine arts book about the fluidity of thought, language, and gender/sexuality. These books are also amongst a series of silkscreen and letterpress printed posters that range from activist propaganda, the lost art of flagging, and to the celebration of twisted tea as a newly anointed gays and theys beverage.
Sissy Boy Press
Alexandria, VA
Alexandria, VA